DataMotion’s data centers undergo independent assessments of their Service Organizational Controls (SOC) in accordance with AICPA standards; e.g., the AICPA SSAE 16 standard (formerly SAS 70 type II).
DataMotion has also received national accreditation as a Direct Trusted Agent for the secure, encrypted exchange of information. DataMotion’s accreditation is performed by EHNAC, a federally recognized standards organization that has partnered with the United States government to ensure regulatory compliance with HIPAA, ARRA/HITECH, Affordable Healthcare Act, Omnibus Rule and other federal regulations as laid out by ONC and CMS. The accreditation involves rigorous third-party on-site audits and reviews that cover regulatory and standards compliance across the areas of Business Practices, Environment, Organizational Resources, and Technical Performance, as well as Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security.